IB Chemistry: Practical Scheme of Work

Marking proforma

A selection will be made from the following


Book reference






Finding the volume of 1 mole of hydrogen gas.


Determination of the Cu content of CuO


Determination of the molecular formula of an organic


Determination of the formula mass of a metal hydroxide.


Determination of the number of moles of water in hydrated sodium carbonate.


Determination of the molecular mass of calcium carbonate by back titration


Determination of the RMM of a volatile liquid.


Molar volume of hydrogen

CLM Expt 15

Empirical formula of magnesium oxide

CLM Expt 4

Molar volume of butane from a lighter

CLM Expt 14

Determination of the molecular mass of calcium carbonate by back titration.


Preparation of Mohr’s salt

N 1.4a

Preparation of iron alum

N 1.4b

Atomic Structure

Colours of flames (group I and II)

N 3.2





Properties of ionic compounds

N 3.4

Physical Properties and Chemical Bonding in Solids See sheet DC

Physical properties of compounds and intermolecular forces

IB Inv 16

Solubility of molecular compounds

N 7.4a

Soluble laundry bags

N 7.4b

Strength of intermolecular forces

CLM Expt 10

Conductivity of ionic and covalent molecular substances

CLM Expt 9

Making metallic models

N 15.2

States of matter




Measuring energy changes

N 4.1 and CLM Exp 30

Enthalpy of combustion of alcohols 

N 6.2

Determining an enthalpy of vaporization

N 9.3

Enthalpies of solution

N 9.5a

Enthalpies of hydration

N 9.5b

Investigating entropy

N 10.1

Enthalpy of formation of potassium hydrogen carbonate

N 4.2

Entropy in the N2O4 ßà 2NO2 equilibrium

N  11.8


Kinetic study of the reaction between Mn(VII) and ethanedioic acid

N 15.5

Reactions between CaCO3 and HCl

N 8.2a

Reaction between iodine and propanoic acid

N 8.2b

Effect of temperature on rate

N 8.4

Investigating catalysis

N 8.5a


Investigating reversible reactions

N 11.1

Measuring Kc

N 11.2

Acids and bases

Investigating acids / different kinds of acids

N 3.5 & N 11.3

Determining Ka

N 11.4

pH change during an acid-base titration

N 11.5

Using an acid-base titration to find the solubility of Cs(OH)2

N 3.6

Buffer solutions

N 11.6a

Concentration of ethanoic acid in vinegar

N 11.6b

Effectiveness of antacids

CLM Exp 50


Determining the iron content in wire

CLM Exp 56/57/58

The Danielle cell

N 13.1b

Investigating simple cells

N 13.1c

Fe(III) + iodide ions

N 13.2a

The Thermit reaction

N 1.2

Reactions between halogen and halide

N 5.2

Halogens + alkalis

N 5.3a

Preparation of potassium iodate

N 5.3b

Reaction between sodium thiosulphate and iodine

N 5.3c

Determing the purity of potassium iodate (V)

N 5.3d

Reactions of halides

N 5.4

Reactions of sodium chlorate (I)

N 5.5a

Reaction between bromine and sodium thiosulphate

N 5.5b

Oxidising properties of nitric acid

N  17.2b

Reactions of potassium halates (V)

N 5.6

Redox properties of Fe

N 15.3a

Redox reactions of V

N 15.3c

Stabilizing an unusual oxidation state

N 15.4b

Cu (II) complexes

N 15.4a

Organic Chemistry

Extracting and testing  limonene

N 2.1a/b

Reactions of alcohols (including oxidation)

N 2.3b

Making cyclohexene from cyclohaxanol

N 2.4

Making ginger beer / fermentation

N 2.6a

Properties of alkanes (including photolysis)

N 7.2

Preparation and properties of halogenoalkanes

N 7.4a/b

Reactions of alkenes

N 7.5

Reactions of arenas

N 7.7

Reactions of ethanoic acid

N 12.1a

Oxidation of cyclohexanone

N 12.1b

Reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives

N 12.2

Preparation of some esters

CLM Exp 69

Reaction of phenols

N 12.3a

Preparations using 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (asprin etc.)

N 12.3b

Reactions of amines

N 12.4

Preparing chiral compounds

N 14.1

Reactions of carbohydrates

N 14.2

Hydrolysis of lipids

N 14.3

Investigating proteins

N 14.4a

Chromotographic separation of amino acids

N 14.4b

Enzyme catalysed hydrolysis of urea

N 14.4c

PH of amino acid solutions

N 14.4d

Polymerisation reactions

N 14.6a

Properties of ‘slime’

N 14.6b

Preparations and properties of soap

CLM Exp 68

Synthesis of 3-nitrobenzoate in 2 steps

N 16.2

Diazotization and coupling reactions

N 17.4a

Dyeing fabrics

N 17.4b

Other Inorganic reactions

Preparations and properties of iron chlorides

N 15.6a/b

Reactions of ammonia

N 17.3a

Percentage of N in fertiliser

N 17.3b

Nitrates in nature

N 17.5

Preparation and properties of common gases

CLM Expt 16-22


CLM refers to Chemistry Laboratory Manual for senior secondary school, 2nd edn. Edited by P.J. Garnett, J.D. Anderton and P.J Garnett, pub. STAWA

N. refers to Nuffield Advanced science: Chemistry, 3rd edn., pub. Longman.

IB refers to A Portfolio of Investigations for use with the IB chemistry Programme, John Green, pub. IBID Press.